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We are climate-neutral

Working with ClimatePartner, we calculated our carbon footprint for 2019 and offset it

There is no second Planet Earth. But we still have the chance to do something for our climate now. RINGANA calculated its carbon footprint for 2019 and is sustainably offsetting unavoidable CO₂ emissions.


RINGANA is already taking measures in many areas to keep its corporate carbon footprint as low as possible: sustainable packaging, a reuse concept, reducing its consumption of plastic, water and energy, and using sustainable construction methods. However, no manufacturing business can completely avoid greenhouse gas emissions. That makes it all the more important to offset those emissions with effective climate protection projects. Alongside avoidance and reduction, offsetting CO₂ emissions is a further important step towards holistic climate protection at RINGANA.

RINGANA offsets all unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions generated by the company’s activities by making investments in the “Forest Protection in Portel (Brazil)” climate protection project. This project helps those living in the Amazon region to obtain official land rights for their native territory thus protecting the rainforest from clearance and use for soya cultivation by agribusiness giants.

You can find out more about this further building-block in RINGANA’s sustainability mosaic in our blog.

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